Black Section Separator
Spending too much time online without sleep or exercise increases the risk of school absenteeism.
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By- Anara
Black Section Separator
It has often been seen that girls are available online more time on social media than boys.
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Black Section Separator
According to research in Finland, teenagers skip eating, sleeping and exercise activities to stay online.
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Black Section Separator
Boys are more likely to be absent from school, while girls are more likely to be absent from school due to medical reasons.
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Black Section Separator
Girls are more sensitive on the internet and activities like eating, sleeping, and exercise are missed.
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Black Section Separator
According to the team of researchers, teens need 8-10 hours of sleep, exercise, and a relationship that shares concerns.
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Black Section Separator
Spending too much time online increased the risk of being absent from school by 38%.
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