Black Section Separator
What kind of Sleeping bag you want depends on your decision.
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By- Anara
Black Section Separator
How is the environment around you? Choose a sleeping bag according to the environment you are sleeping in.
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Black Section Separator
Choose a sleeping bag that is suitable for all three seasons – spring, summer, and autumn.
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Black Section Separator
Your sleeping bag should be strong and durable, and not perform poorly when wet.
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Black Section Separator
Choose a sleeping bag that will retain warmth when you get wet in cold weather.
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Black Section Separator
Look for something waterproof or hooded to help keep you warm and comfortable.
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Black Section Separator
Your sleeping bag: Choose a bag with a zippered pocket for storing items while you sleep.
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Black Section Separator
Your bag will be placed directly on the ground, and must be a moisture-proof
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Black Section Separator
Have a bag that zips together to make a double bag large enough for two people.
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Black Section Separator
Must be travel friendly, which you can make a bed anywhere.
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