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To control asthma, changes in eating habits and some habits will have to be made.

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By- Anara   

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To eliminate asthma from its roots, obesity will have to be reduced and habits like smoking will have to be avoided.

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Asthma patients should avoid a dirty environment, cold, and fog, dust can increase symptoms.

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Asthma patients should consume mostly green leafy vegetables. These vegetables help fight asthma.

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Soaking figs and eating them on an empty stomach in the morning removes mucus from the breath and provides relief from asthma infection.

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To curb asthma, boiling some fenugreek seeds in a glass of water and consuming that water cures asthma.

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Take water in a vessel, add some celery in it, and boil it, inhale the steam coming out of that water, it cures asthma.

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